join us today

The Forum is an independent, non-partisan advisory and voluntary body comprised of members and ‘appointed’ member ambassadors (eligible to attend the Forum’s Steering Committee).

The Forum’s diverse membership features members of the public; talented creatives; and representatives from cultural organisations, community bodies; and other institutions from the public and private sectors.

benefits of free membership

The Forum is open to new members, age 18 or older and membership is completely free of charge. As a Forum member you can access free learning resources and supporting information (inc promo packs for BHM and Windrush); along with our job listings; newsletter (inc availability of discounted / free tickets); and get information on support services inc training schemes, grant funding and available office space for hire.

African Heritage Culture Forum Sheffield

Application form

We only ask you for personal data in order to keep in touch with you and to offer relevant services and support. The data collected will not be retained longer than is necessary and also will not be used or shared with any third party for marketing purposes.

To complete the form please click here.

Privacy notice

By completing this form, you agree to the data collected being processed by us (and by a third party, where relevant and for the sole purpose of data privacy monitoring, audit and evaluation) in accordance with our Privacy Policy together with the terms set out in our Privacy Notice.